$585.00 USD

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I also understand that I am purchasing a single login to the course. I agree I will not share my login information with others.

I understand that my logins and progress in the course can be monitored and if it becomes apparent that I have been sharing my login information, my access will be subject to termination without a refund.

I agree that the contents of this program are for educational purposes only and are not meant to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any illness or disease. The course participant agrees to use his/her own professional judgement and is responsible in making the final decisions on patient care when applying the educational material discussed in this course to your own health or the health of the patients in your practice.

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Mold Detox Diet + Organic Acids + Advanced Mold Immune Course (ONE-YEAR access)

Congratulations on deciding to purchase these invaluable tools to help you apply the educational materials needed to help yourself or if you are a practitioner to help your patients. 

I understand that I am purchasing a unique individual log-in that is tracked by the learning platform. 

Sharing of logins is not permitted and may result in revocation of access without a refund. Logins from multiple IP addresses may trigger an audit. 

Mold Detox Diet Course Information:

  • Drs. Clayton and Christensen have created 14 videos to show you how to navigate through the program. The videos in each module explain the topics and guide you to what you need to know.
  • You will get handouts, lists, and many resources to support your program.
  • You will be able to toggle back to previous modules if you need to go back to review a particular idea or concept

The Advanced Mold Immune Course information:

  • Drs. Clayton and Christensen have created 7 modules/videos on Immune dysregulation and polarization in mold illness
  • There are more than 60 downloadable handouts
  • You will be able to toggle back to previous modules

The Organic Acids course information: 

  • Dr. Clayton has created 10 videos to show you how to navigate through the organic acid test. The videos in each module explain the topics and guide you to what you need to know.
  • As each module is completed, you will be allowed to advance to the next module once the quiz for that module is submitted and you receive a passing grade. You can retake the quiz until you receive a passing score.
  • You will be able to toggle back to previous modules if you need to go back to review a particular idea or concept.
  • You will get links to purchase supportive materials. We recommend purchasing the accompanying workbook to take notes while studying the material in this course.
  • Upon completion of the 10 videos, you will have the chance to send us feedback on the strengths and weaknesses in the course! We take feedback seriously and make attempts to continually improve our educational tools.
  • A CE certificate of completion is available as a download at the end of the course. The BCNS has approved 3.5 contact CE hours for Certified Nutrition Specialists.
  • Access to both course materials is for 6 months. Please set aside a couple of hours each week to study the modules.

If your clinic would like to purchase entry for mutliple practitioners, please contact us to inquire about a discount to receive individual login codes for multiple practitioners.


What People Are Saying:

Transformational! This course is an absolute imperitive for anyone who has known or suspected mold illness, which is a serious health condition. Dr's. Clayton & Christensen expertly guide you, in simple steps, through what is needed to recover.

Dr. Cheryl Winter, DCN, FNP-BC, RDN, IFMCP

I'm on #7 and enjoying all the tutorials! My brains getting a little wiped out and on overload! Wow, but such great information and Gail is explaining and tying various pathways and markers together so nicely. She makes so much sense and is easy to follow along with while viewing my recent OAT and NutraEval. Perfect timing and I look forward to having more opportunities to learn from her. Thank you, Gail

Susan Taylor

Gail’s course is way more than just information on how to interpret an OAT test. She goes deep and makes important. connections Each time I watch the videos I learn something more. Highly recommend.

Micki Contini