Many of you may have been exposed to mold chronically, so recovery isn’t going to happen in a snap. The more toxic your body is (from mold and a poor diet), the longer it may take.
Some recovery facts:
- Some people recover faster than others. That is normal.
- Recovery from mold toxicity is a marathon, NOT a sprint.
Recovery may take a year or more. Go into your healing journey with your eyes wide open, keep your expectations realistic, but also realize that there is HOPE!
I Am Afraid That I Will Always Be Sick!!!
It is really hard to convince a moldy brain, with all of its anxiety and fear, that how you are feeling today, is not how you will feel three months from now. But if you give your body the nutrients that it needs, your success rate has already gone up.
Trust us. It worked for us (Dr. Clayton and Dr. Christensen). Not only did we recover from our toxic mold illness, many of our clients have recovered, using our Mold Detox Diet, too.
Here Are Some Tips to Get You Through
Self-care is so important when recovering from toxic mold. Understanding the process, gathering support, and being kind to yourself, is all part of the healing journey.
Healing doesn't just happen physically. We find that our patients must also heal emotionally, too. Often when our bodies are sick, our thinking is stinking, too. As you shed the toxins in your body, be prepared to shed some emotional baggage, too.
- Realize that your brain fog, memory issues, irritability and fatigue are NOT a personality or character defect.
- Depersonalize these side-effects as part of the mold, not who you are.
- Get angry at mold, not yourself. You are not the problem.
- Gather support: bring someone with you to doctor visits who can take notes and help implement the plan of care.
- Plan on spending your money where you get the most bang for your buck (Save $$. Combine medical & herbal protocols with nutrition.)
But, You Don’t Understand My Finances!
Having mold illness is a costly proposition. We know. As you may remember from the Toxic Mold Summit, [], Dr Gail lost almost everything to mold and had to start over.
Mold testing and remediation, secondary living arrangements, blood tests, medical bills. Arggg…It can be overwhelming.
For this reason, Dr. Clayton and Dr. Christensen decided to join forces and create a low-cost detox program that people could follow to help themselves, and get started on the road to recovery.
We don't want cost to be a factor in your getting better!!
Introducing the Mold Detox Diet Course
This is NOT a restrictive diet with 12 foods on the list. These foods are yummy. You will not go hungry.
- Snacks? Check.
- Teas? Check.
- Eating on the road? Check.
This course consists of 3 modules with 14 videos, and loads of handouts, meal plans, recipes, and resources to assist you.
Course Benefits
- Watch the modules over and over! (Moldy brains need extra repetition. We get it.)
- Lifetime access and FREE updates or additions (we notify you)
- Upgrade discount for the “next steps for an enhanced detox” when it becomes available.
The course is regularly $197, but to celebrate the TOXIC MOLD SUMMIT success, we are extending the special price of $59.
HURRY! This offer expires in a few days on 5-20-19.