Spring Mold Alert

With spring here, many locales are experiencing a rainy season, and with it you can expect to see more issues with environmental air quality issues, namely toxic mold.

The Perfect Environment For Mold

Mold requires:

  • water
  • food
  • oxygen
  • temperature over 40° F

While mold cannot spread without these conditions, its spores may survive in a dormant state until conditions are suitable.

This means that mold spores that may have lain dormant all winter, due to cooler temperatures and lower humidity, will become active with rising temperatures and humidity.

How Mold Propagates

Mold reproduces via the production of small spores. These spores can be compared to the seeds of a plant, though they are much smaller than seeds or even pollen grains.

Their small size makes them easy to disperse via wind and water. They can also travel long distances by clinging on to clothing or fur. You can see why we are heading into our moldy season.

What Can Mold Grow On?

Mold grows on materials it can digest: any organic material, from wood and paper products to dust containing dead skin cells. Mold also grows on and digests some synthetic materials like paints, adhesives, and textiles as well.

As you can see, this is the stuff of which homes and commercial structures are built.

Add to that, pets that urinate on flooring and bedding in homes, and leaks that let spring rains inside structures. Any kind of water damage can facilitate mold growth within 24 - 48 hours!!!

Any kind of water damage (flood, pipe burst, leakage) can facilitate the growth of a mold in as soon as 24-48 hours. (Source: https://realtimelab.com/mold-statistics/)

You can see the problem! But did you know how widespread the problem is?

  • At least 45 MILLION building in the USA alone have unhealthy levels of mold.
  • At least 25% of people have a genetic predisposition that makes them more susceptible to mold.

Are you suffering the affects of toxic mold exposure?

You might think your spring "allergy" symptoms are from pollen, but they could be from toxic mold that laid dormant all winter and have start producing spores now that humidity levels have risen.


So what's the solution?

#1: Start by taking our FREE mini-course about toxic mold exposure.

#2: Enroll in our Mold Detox Diet course, to start opening your natural detox pathways in your body, so you can detox mycotoxins safely. Enroll here.

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